Here's a shot of the background before I put a bunch of stuff on it. I used a different embossing folder for my tag since the clocks didn't really match the theme I was going for. I used Spun Sugar, Worn Lipstick, and Picked Raspberry Distress Inks for the background and added a touch of Vintage Photo on the edges to define them a little. I sprayed the whole thing with my beloved Biscotti Perfect Pearls mist, which of course you can't see. Someday someone will devise an ingenious way to photograph Perfect Pearls without washing out the rest of the piece. Alas, that someone will not be me. =)
Here's the finished tag:
I changed all the gear bits to flowery bits and stamped the ribbon with butterflies, which is another thing I tend to stick on everything. I love my butterflies. =) I kept the film strip because, let's face it, that stuff goes with everything. I didn't have the same sentiment Tim used so I went with this one about dreams, which is why I tried to give the rest of the piece a bit of a dreamy feel.
I used the metallic Distress stains on my flowers, leaving out the silvery one since it didn't seem to match. I have to admit I was not overly excited about these stains until I saw them in action - they are AWESOME. Way easier to use than paint and the shimmer is fantastic. I used a little tissue tape and one of Tim's little word stickers in the corner instead of the label since I felt they went with my theme better. Overall a very girly, shiny tag which is very me. =)
Thanks so much for looking!
Beautiful tag! Love the pink hues in the background. Being known for distress inks is a good thing! Glad you joined us at Simon Says Stamp and Show!